Saturday, March 7, 2020

Hi, ya'll!  I am sorry for being behind on my posting.  I have been so busy multi-tasking I sometimes feel like I am circling.   In a way I am.

You go to one page and note something that needs adjusting.  Before you know it you are adjusting all 7 blogs.  So much editing to do, though I am loving creating our community.

In the midst of creation, I have been "playing" tug rope with my Facebook account via Google.  What a nightmare!

I finally managed to set up a new account on Microsoft Edge, however they have me blocked from it until I can provide them with a cell number.  I do not have a telephone!  This is harassment, whether they are concerned about security or not!  They did not worry about that when I run upon a suspect of hacking my account.

He had used one of my friends from my hometown's FB to talk with me.  He wanted to give me money for money.  Short version.

Wasn't long after that I figured him out and turned him into the Federal Trade Commission.  Then, most of my text/content on my computer went to Spanish!!

Getting help from FB is like pulling your own teeth!

Ok, rant over. 

We have been getting a lot, and mean a whole lot, of rain all winter.  I hope it does good by spring planting with a boost.  I surely did not miss the snow or ice, nor frigid temps we usually have in the winter.

I guess you heard about the tornado that plowed through Nashville and Cookeville.  Heartbreaking.  Please tuck them in your prayers.

Daffodil and Buttercup have been up for about a month now.  My Surprise Lilys, too, but just the stalks.  Last summer I was extra surprised to find a Spider Lily mixed in with the few dozen bulbs I had planted three years ago.

Slowly recuperating from a dreaded UTI.  I had never in my life had one.  This one just about wiped me out and send me to heaven, but Jesus pulled me out of it.  I have a terminal illness, called scleroderma and am still fighting breast cancer, so when I say I almost didn't make it, I meant it.

I am blessed!  Praise God!

Would love to hear from someone out there; 

Love ya'll!