Sunday, February 16, 2020

Post 3 Sunday February 16, 2020

Not feeling so well today, however my legs issues have dissipated.  So weird
as soon as I manage to get over one medical attack, there is another one
sneaking to life.  Be it known, I am not complaining.  I am just updating you,
my friends and family.  Scleroderma just is not my cup of tea!  I am alive, and
well, that will suffice.  Getting a lot done with blogging, so yes, I am blessed.

My dogs and cats enjoyed the reprieve today from frigid temps and bone-chilling winds yesterday.  So much rain! I figure God is making good growing plans for gardening this spring. A lot of flooding in neighboring areas, but not
so much here.  I enjoy being the hillbilly I am living on this exciting hillside.

We named it Heartspun Hillside Haven.  Beautiful views and woods overflowing with wildlife!

Cutting it short, my friends and family.  My pillow is hollering for me.......

May God give you sweet slumber, warm quilts, and Jesus stands guard over you tonight to keep you safe.

Love you.