Saturday, February 15, 2020

Post 2 Saturday February 16. 2020

Did not rise until around 11 this morning.  Been busy as a night owl creating Blogspots, including this one.  (fun, fun, fun)

I am having trouble with my legs.  There is weakness and wobbling.  Will check my blood sugar before I go to bed tonight, but whoa, it is already 1;30a.m.CST!  Wow.
I am enjoying my retirement years, with exception of my terminal illness, by indulging in my hobby of writing & poetry, and I love it.  I love being published on the Internet because that has enabled me to make so many new and wonderful friends worldwide.  I feel that WebPages are almost a "new" art form, because of the combination of poetry with appropriate artwork and music makes a complete and wonderful package - a new dimension freely available to anyone for the asking. I feel so privileged to be allowed to play a small part in this challenging medium.

Of late, I am confined to my easy chair because of medical conditions.  I was beginning to feel much better when the leg weakness took over.  I did get a lot of Tamara Hillman's poetry posted on , but
still have a lot to finish.  Tomorrow.... oops, today is another day!  Get some sleep and get back at it.  I enjoy this grindstone!

I need to spring clean!!!  God knows my needs.  He will provide.  I can not find the strength to do it.  Please put me in your thoughts and prayers.

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